SEA Whale

Software Used
Blender 2.78
ZBrush 4r7
Photoshop cs6

The important part of my this project was for only sea project. I thought about to make tortoise, but certainly something drive me away from tortoise. I concede to make something easier. As i say, the result is here.

I made this base mesh and skin texture on Zbrush4r7. And, then move it into Blender. Blender is a open source and free software, i always applause this software. Production quality are getting higher by it's development. It's Cycle render, literally amazing but yes it hard and still it kill long time for rendering. Above all those problem never outweigh the benefits for the new!
So, to made a better under water environment blender has some features and that's the result ..!

To see the better result Visit :

Camera view

Skin nodes


Software Used
Blender 2.78
ZBrush 4r7
Photoshop cs6
Shader Map 7 

The most important part was here is about skin! The which you are looking at, it's have been made on Blender texture paint and then i create ambient occlusion (AO) and specular map on shader map. Then taken it to Photoshop to create on there some dirt. f

You can see more photo of Lizard and higher resolution click the link below..!!

Visit :

I always feel free to show my work, here is the skin nodes for you. Also you are looking the eye's nodes which i demonstrated for the knowledge which would make you to ease.

Skin Node

Eye Node

Stone Alive

Software Used
Blender 2.78
ZBrush 4r7
Photoshop cs6
Shader Map 4
Hi this is me Ibrahim shaikat Once again. After long being i'm posting this.
In here i'm gonna share my stone. i used software Zbrush and Blender. I focued on Node basically on the stones. 


Here i have tried to do with much detail with lowpoly actually tried to compose with lower verts. I have divided 3 parts of the hole stone nodes. Each group combided with lots of nodes although.

I do reckon use Shader Map ,Its an amazing software to helps you get your all maps easily and much more convenient.!

Steam Locomotive 1

Software Used
Blender 2.78
Photoshop cs6

Hi, its my new work. although i created this loco's meshes 1,2 month before.
Everytimes i have been facing new problems and have sloved it with the head one.

To create this object i follow my own method! i can share with you. if you would 
really intrested about it ! when i creat the meshes i used Blender V2.77 
and now its 2.78 . In here you have seen 135 objects over 12 lacks verts! sometimes it seems much weird to get this full result.
 so, you should stay with persisten fatigue to get your own 
locomotive! :)

You need to have good reference images. search the good one, use it as your
best choice !



see my way .. part-1

At first i wanna say.. its the way which i much followed . May be it would put a hardly damper
 to see that. [link]

Thunder Bird

Thunder Bird
software used: blender 2.77
Photoshop cs6

  Hi.. This is me Ibrhaim Once again. Here is my New art work Thunder Bird-1950.
Hope that you will enjoy it. if you need any problem you can asked me for
any support, any information.

Btw.. you can Use this car for film, games ! 




Thanks! for watching.... !