
৯:১৮:০০ AM Ibrahim Shoikot 0 Comments





This is  Ibrahim Shoikot . this Blog of mine promoted to show my 3D works and my thoughts to you. i'm not professional but i like to be. 
All my learning process have been here . if you like 3D or animations please just stay with me. If you are 3D expert or animator please stay with me. 

Using Software :  

  •   Blender
  •   Photoshop
  •   Gimp
  •   Zbrush
  •   Unity 
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 Contact Informations

Find me for any needed. or any development.
  • Ibrahim's 3D Art
  • Old Gollamary Street 23
  • 9208 Khulna City
  • +880 1765685997
  • +880 1878539466
  • +880 1936258550
  • ibrahims3dart@hotmail.com
