Steam Locomotive 1
Software Used
Blender 2.78
Photoshop cs6
Hi, its my new work. although i created this loco's meshes 1,2 month before.
Everytimes i have been facing new problems and have sloved it with the head one.
To create this object i follow my own method! i can share with you. if you would
really intrested about it ! when i creat the meshes i used Blender V2.77
and now its 2.78 . In here you have seen 135 objects over 12 lacks verts! sometimes it seems much weird to get this full result.
so, you should stay with persisten fatigue to get your own
locomotive! :)
You need to have good reference images. search the good one, use it as your
best choice !
see my way .. part-1
At first i wanna say.. its the way which i much followed . May be it would put a hardly damper
to see that. [link]